Sunday, May 31, 2009


I seem to do better when surrounded by certain outside forces. Unsurprisingly, I seem to do worse when surrounded by certain outside forces. Not good as in carry around a light saber resisting the revolution or bad like hurting defenseless kittens kind of bad but as versions of myself. And I suppose it could all be in the eye of the beholder, this good or bad dilemma. There are some people that probably prefer the quiet and indifferent version that I consider bad. After all, I know she's easier to be around than the questioning and assured version.
But I find that there are certain things, people, places that electrify me. And contrarily there are others that just drain me. Because right now I can't seek more electrifying sources, I need to ponder the draining qualities and figure out a way to change it. A magnet can change it's poles, right? Please don't mock if I'm wrong. I didn't pay much attention in 7th grade science and I don't have to time to go checking Wiki.
So the big question is how? Must I be the one to change what electrifies me? Or is there a way to turn those energy-suckers into challenges that will spur me into action and put the spark back?

1 comment:

Stacy said...

I don't find the quieter Katy "easier" to be around!!! But anywho on to the question, I took physics & would like to say no, they don't change but that is neither here nor there. People, way easier than physics LOL, can change. It's not the change of either person that matters though! It is the change in the relationship (IMO of course). When people become a drain to you, it could be them, could be you, but nevertheless a change has been made to the relationship. Did you become the "sounding board", the "know it all", or any of the 50 million other "tags" we can place on a relationship? If that is what is draining then you change how you respond, do not let them take you down w/ them. If it's something different then maybe a better defintion of the relationship needs to be found. If a friend focuses on the negative then you bluntly point out the positive. :) They'll thank you MUCH LATER. If they do not provide the intellectual electricity maybe you have evolved and they have not, find something else to focus on. Then there are those that just drain you because they want to.... Best advice would be to drop them! but we both know that is not always feasible so you find the quality you admire most in them & focus on that. I do not think you should change at all because one, you are a WONDEFUL, beautiful person with an awesome SOUL and two, we shouldn't change ourselves for others; however, we can change the nature of things or our perception of things and sometimes, not always, this can help! My beer influenced comment of the night!