Thursday, September 16, 2010

Therapy and Privacy and fear of the unknown

I don't think anyone really noticed but I set my blog to "private" a few months ago. The visitor log was driving me a wee bit bonkers. Visits would be logged from all over the world, or even worse, from my own area, but I never knew who it was. I, being the over-thinking natural control-freak that I am, would wonder who was visiting, reading my errant and mundane thoughts. What did they read? How did they find me? And on it went. Until one particular visitor drove me over the edge of reason and I basically shut down my page.
Well, visitor log you are no more! I deleted the infernal thing and am now free to write whatever I want in blissful ignorance of all visitors! As far as I care to know, no one is reading my ramblings and I think I may like it that way. My words have always flowed more freely if I imagine an audience (anyone know the definition of a narcissist?) *but* as a confirmed sufferer of severe and sometimes debilitating stage fright I can't actually know that anyone is reading. Ah, what a conundrum. If I think only myself will read my writings I tend lose focus and not finish. But if I actually know someone will read my work then I can't manage to string together coherent thoughts.
So I am trying something in between. We'll see, or, um, at least I will, how it goes from here.

1 comment:

Jenni said...

I am one of your local loyal readers! I read often! :) I even follow!!! I got rid of my reader log for the exact same reason! Love your ramblings....and am glad you are still public. If you ever go private, please be sure to include me! :) the heck are you guys? Haven't seen you in like FOREVER! Life is just so crazy with the wee ones....but I think it is getting a little easier now that the girls are 2! We go down for lunch sometimes with Micah....would you like me to call and you and Kelly can meet up with us? Would love to see you all again! :) HUGS!!!!