Wednesday, November 3, 2010

social networking

I have, on different occasions and for assorted reasons, shut down or privatized my assorted internet profiles. I have deleted my writings in fits of anger, eradicated a MySpace profile that was several years old, removed contacts from Gtalk, blocked people on Facebook because I didn't think they deserved to read my supremely lame status updates and even set this blog to be unreadable to everyone. I Tweeted once upon a time, for about 2 days, but I found it completely unsatisfying. And I have even boycotted certain email-friends due to their lack of adequate responses. I have been mulling this personality trait lately and I think I figured out why I am so quick to react to a lack of response.
Friendships don't have some intrinsic value simply for their own sake. Call me selfish, you'd hardly be the first, but if I put some thought and effort into communicating I want it to be returned. I believe this is why Twitter held no appeal for me. You just put your thoughts out in the ether and then what? I don't seek simple publication. No. I want communication, reciprocation, interrogations and revelations! These things cannot be had in 160 characters, or as a monologue. It may be why I occasionally private my blog and Facebook pages. It is frustrating to me that I can put thoughts down, anyone can read what I write, but there is no effort of returning the friendship on anyone else's part.
But then in my typically fickle fashion my reasons tend to lose their purpose or my frustration loses its luster. I usually vow to "never post anything of a personal nature again anyway" and I undo all privacy settings. After all, in my natural mercurial ways I forgive easily, change quickly and look back rarely.

1 comment:

Annie said...

gotta love you for being so unique