Monday, November 3, 2008


Am I really so weak? Or are the other moms just better at the facade? I have made no secret of what a hard time I had with my son as an infant but everyone else always seems to slip into their new role with such ease. My friends with wee ones always seem to have their houses put together, they run errands and have social lives. My son was almost 4 months old last Halloween and I spent the evening in the house, crying and trying to stop him from screaming as if he were being tortured. We didn't even pretend to go trick or treating.
I was just on my friend's blog, Jenni. She recently had twins, which makes for 5 very, very young children in her house and she is already back to her photography and it looks like she's been very busy. And yet she has found time to take professional portraits for pay, she has taken fall pictures of her boys, costumed pictures of all her kids and even family pictures! She has even found a way to get her hair done and lose all her baby weight. What a role model.
I am petrified to be jumping back into the world of newborns. So there it is, my big blog announcement! Kelly, Killian and I are expecting a new love in our lives this June. And I am terrified! Last time I had no idea what I was getting into. I blissfully waddled around enjoying my little guys' pokes and prods, completely ignorant of the life-wrenching terror that was shortly to come. Now I know. And I am terrified.

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