Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Follow the Motto

A wise woman once said, "Don't be a dick". I have heard my dear friend say this on numerous occasions and I always laughed and agreed but I have recently started to hear it reverberating through my head like an 80's pop song featuring too much electric keyboard. I decided to take my own advice and set out on a spiritual journey to not be a dick. I am finding it harder than I would have thought.
When I want to get on the freeway by my house I usually stay in the far lane, speed past all the cars waiting for their turn to get into the turning lane, then I jump ahead of some slow person and steal their turn to enter the freeway. I'm sure this saves me very little, if any, time but I like to get places NOW. I realize that this isn't exactly following the motto. So instead I tried to follow the motto and wait my turn. Well that didn't go much better. I ended up screaming at the lady in front of me that wouldn't just turn! Granted she couldn't hear me but my blood pressure and son both got the gist of what I was saying. Follow the motto....even if no one else will see you breaking it.
My reasons for undertaking this arduous path are numerous. I heard the saying recently "Keep the shiny side up." It was referring to a motorcycle but in that weird way that things tend to do, it really struck me. What a great life motto! I suddenly saw all the many ways that I had failed to keep the shiny side up and how I could apply my newfound mantra to all facets of my life. In friendships I should work more on keeping my shiny side up. I know my marriage could benefit from a shiny Katy. And my son could probably stand to see me smile a little more and scream at other drivers in an erratic fit of road rage a little less.
So now I am following the motto. Or trying to. I hope that all around me will benefit from this experiment and I really hope it will help me cope with those third trimester mood swings!

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Good Luck w/ that ;) I finf if the person in front of you is taking there sweet time a lil nudge will speed them up! But I think that would be going against your motto. LOL I am kidding of course. As one of my most positive friends I think you will do great!