Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Argh! Maybe I am throwing a massive hormone-fit but what is with the Plan Changers?
You know the people that decide that they are going to take the current plan and throw it out to suit their needs? If an event of any sort is set then don't go switching it around to please yourself. If the date is inconvenient, then DON'T GO! Don't ask people, whether it be a bride and groom or a book club, to change everything around so that it is less hectic for you. If a group has plans to go on a camping trip and you get invited, don't suddenly ask to go somewhere else because you heard it was better/different/closer/whatever. Just plan your own damn trip and save the group your hassles.
Please take my little piece of advice and be a good friend to those around you. If you want to be at an event, then make it happen. If something more important is happening on that date then that really sucks, but that is life. Send your regrets like a normal person who was raised to be respectful of other people's time. If you're really that important to the event then your friends or family will work to accommodate you. If you're not then feel free to blog about it.

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