Wednesday, December 23, 2009


I reached for a hanger in my son's closet this morning and my eyes went to an as yet unworn red and gray short romper. As the wind howled outside the paned glass I stared at this summer outfit and had the ominous feeling that it would never again be warm enough to put my child in something with so little material. The sky above my house is covered in a blanket of frozen steel and hard pellets of crushed ice swirl through the air. I kissed my husband and son good-bye this morning on their way to the store. I couldn't even reach their cheeks through several layers of fabricated warmth designed to protect tiny ears and sensitive faces from the harshness of our Idaho winter. Bygone are the days of waking up and leaving the house with hair still saturated from a steamy shower. Today it would freeze in a moment outside.
Where has the sun gone? Adieu to nights in the grass drinking wine with the neighbor while our wee ones run amuck in golden sunsets. Farewell to midnight walks through sun-baked suburban streets, feeling the tangible remains of light radiate through your soles. Goodbye, my friend, my sun, my savior, my love. Sleep well. Return soon. I will miss you.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Catching Up

Kolter Gauge Burnside came into my life on June 20th, 2009. He is the sweetest little person. He smiles all the time at everyone, he loves his big brother whether he's bouncing on the bed or reading a story. He can now roll-over but only from back to tummy, from there he's stuck.
Killian is completely potty trained! He wears big boy undies all the time. He is now severely allergic to peanuts, but his milk and egg allergies have decreased significantly. He knows all of his letters by sight and keeps me laughing and internally screaming almost every minute. Today I said, "Oh wow! You're picking up your cars? Thank you, that makes me SO happy." And he replied, "It makes me so sad."
Kelly has almost finished up a very big and nearly impossible project at work. He has a new boss who keeps him on his toes but he is excited for new opportunities in the year to come.
I got a new computer so I may actually be online again. I am really enjoying playing with different photography and find my kids make great subjects. You can check out my photo blog. I hope to have more pictures up soon. I would love to start doing small sessions and am in the process of acquiring additional backgrounds. I continue my book club, although finding time for books is becoming increasingly harder. Unfortunately rock climbing and hiking and snow shoeing and well, everything not to do with kids, has also become quite a bit more difficult to accomplish. I am trying to mentally grasp that this period in my life is temporary and one day very soon my world will not revolve solely around my children. One day I will miss having to pack a diaper bag and cuddle babies. But I bet I can find other ways to amuse myself when that time comes.
That's where we are now, as a family. I'll try to keep my blogs better ypdated from now on, but no promises.
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